APIRouter class, used to group path operations, for example to structure
an app in multiple files. It would then be included in the FastAPI app, or
in another APIRouter (ultimately included in the app).
You normally wouldn't use this parameter with FastAPI, it is inherited
from Starlette and supported for compatibility.
In FastAPI, you normally would use the path operation methods,
like router.get(), router.post(), etc. Note: you probably shouldn't use this parameter, it is inherited
from Starlette and supported for compatibility.
A list of routes to serve incoming HTTP and WebSocket requests.
Whether to detect and redirect slashes in URLs when the client doesn't
use the same format.
Default function handler for this router. Used to handle
404 Not Found errors.
Only used internally by FastAPI to handle dependency overrides.
You shouldn't need to use it. It normally points to the FastAPI app
Custom route (path operation) class to be used by this router.
def__init__(self,*,prefix:Annotated[str,Doc("An optional path prefix for the router.")]="",tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to all the *path operations* in this router. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to all the *path operations* in this router. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Bigger Applications - Multiple Files](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/bigger-applications/#include-an-apirouter-with-a-custom-prefix-tags-responses-and-dependencies). """),]=None,default_response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" The default response class to be used. Read more in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#default-response-class). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses to be shown in OpenAPI. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Additional Responses in OpenAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/additional-responses/). And in the [FastAPI docs for Bigger Applications](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/bigger-applications/#include-an-apirouter-with-a-custom-prefix-tags-responses-and-dependencies). """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" OpenAPI callbacks that should apply to all *path operations* in this router. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,routes:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" **Note**: you probably shouldn't use this parameter, it is inherited from Starlette and supported for compatibility. --- A list of routes to serve incoming HTTP and WebSocket requests. """),deprecated(""" You normally wouldn't use this parameter with FastAPI, it is inherited from Starlette and supported for compatibility. In FastAPI, you normally would use the *path operation methods*, like `router.get()`, `router.post()`, etc. """),]=None,redirect_slashes:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Whether to detect and redirect slashes in URLs when the client doesn't use the same format. """),]=True,default:Annotated[Optional[ASGIApp],Doc(""" Default function handler for this router. Used to handle 404 Not Found errors. """),]=None,dependency_overrides_provider:Annotated[Optional[Any],Doc(""" Only used internally by FastAPI to handle dependency overrides. You shouldn't need to use it. It normally points to the `FastAPI` app object. """),]=None,route_class:Annotated[Type[APIRoute],Doc(""" Custom route (*path operation*) class to be used by this router. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Request and APIRoute class](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/how-to/custom-request-and-route/#custom-apiroute-class-in-a-router). """),]=APIRoute,on_startup:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[Callable[[],Any]]],Doc(""" A list of startup event handler functions. You should instead use the `lifespan` handlers. Read more in the [FastAPI docs for `lifespan`](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/events/). """),]=None,on_shutdown:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[Callable[[],Any]]],Doc(""" A list of shutdown event handler functions. You should instead use the `lifespan` handlers. Read more in the [FastAPI docs for `lifespan`](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/events/). """),]=None,# the generic to Lifespan[AppType] is the type of the top level application# which the router cannot know statically, so we use typing.Anylifespan:Annotated[Optional[Lifespan[Any]],Doc(""" A `Lifespan` context manager handler. This replaces `startup` and `shutdown` functions with a single context manager. Read more in the [FastAPI docs for `lifespan`](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/events/). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark all *path operations* in this router as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" To include (or not) all the *path operations* in this router in the generated OpenAPI. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->None:super().__init__(routes=routes,redirect_slashes=redirect_slashes,default=default,on_startup=on_startup,on_shutdown=on_shutdown,lifespan=lifespan,)ifprefix:assertprefix.startswith("/"),"A path prefix must start with '/'"assertnotprefix.endswith("/"),"A path prefix must not end with '/', as the routes will start with '/'"self.prefix=prefixself.tags:List[Union[str,Enum]]=tagsor[]self.dependencies=list(dependenciesor[])self.deprecated=deprecatedself.include_in_schema=include_in_schemaself.responses=responsesor{}self.callbacks=callbacksor[]self.dependency_overrides_provider=dependency_overrides_providerself.route_class=route_classself.default_response_class=default_response_classself.generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function
fromfastapiimportAPIRouter,FastAPI,WebSocketapp=FastAPI()router=APIRouter()@router.websocket("/ws")asyncdefwebsocket_endpoint(websocket:WebSocket):awaitwebsocket.accept()whileTrue:data=awaitwebsocket.receive_text()awaitwebsocket.send_text(f"Message text was: {data}")app.include_router(router)
WebSocket path.
A name for the WebSocket. Only used internally.
A list of dependencies (using Depends()) to be used for this
defwebsocket(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" WebSocket path. """),],name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A name for the WebSocket. Only used internally. """),]=None,*,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be used for this WebSocket. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/). """),]=None,)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Decorate a WebSocket function. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/). **Example** ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, WebSocket app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept() while True: data = await websocket.receive_text() await websocket.send_text(f"Message text was: {data}") app.include_router(router) ``` """defdecorator(func:DecoratedCallable)->DecoratedCallable:self.add_api_websocket_route(path,func,name=name,dependencies=dependencies)returnfuncreturndecorator
definclude_router(self,router:Annotated["APIRouter",Doc("The `APIRouter` to include.")],*,prefix:Annotated[str,Doc("An optional path prefix for the router.")]="",tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to all the *path operations* in this router. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to all the *path operations* in this router. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Bigger Applications - Multiple Files](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/bigger-applications/#include-an-apirouter-with-a-custom-prefix-tags-responses-and-dependencies). """),]=None,default_response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" The default response class to be used. Read more in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#default-response-class). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses to be shown in OpenAPI. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Additional Responses in OpenAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/additional-responses/). And in the [FastAPI docs for Bigger Applications](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/bigger-applications/#include-an-apirouter-with-a-custom-prefix-tags-responses-and-dependencies). """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" OpenAPI callbacks that should apply to all *path operations* in this router. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark all *path operations* in this router as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include (or not) all the *path operations* in this router in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=True,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->None:""" Include another `APIRouter` in the same current `APIRouter`. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Bigger Applications](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/bigger-applications/). ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI app = FastAPI() internal_router = APIRouter() users_router = APIRouter() @users_router.get("/users/") def read_users(): return [{"name": "Rick"}, {"name": "Morty"}] internal_router.include_router(users_router) app.include_router(internal_router) ``` """ifprefix:assertprefix.startswith("/"),"A path prefix must start with '/'"assertnotprefix.endswith("/"),"A path prefix must not end with '/', as the routes will start with '/'"else:forrinrouter.routes:path=getattr(r,"path")# noqa: B009name=getattr(r,"name","unknown")ifpathisnotNoneandnotpath:raiseFastAPIError(f"Prefix and path cannot be both empty (path operation: {name})")ifresponsesisNone:responses={}forrouteinrouter.routes:ifisinstance(route,APIRoute):combined_responses={**responses,**route.responses}use_response_class=get_value_or_default(route.response_class,router.default_response_class,default_response_class,self.default_response_class,)current_tags=[]iftags:current_tags.extend(tags)ifroute.tags:current_tags.extend(route.tags)current_dependencies:List[params.Depends]=[]ifdependencies:current_dependencies.extend(dependencies)ifroute.dependencies:current_dependencies.extend(route.dependencies)current_callbacks=[]ifcallbacks:current_callbacks.extend(callbacks)ifroute.callbacks:current_callbacks.extend(route.callbacks)current_generate_unique_id=get_value_or_default(route.generate_unique_id_function,router.generate_unique_id_function,generate_unique_id_function,self.generate_unique_id_function,)self.add_api_route(prefix+route.path,route.endpoint,response_model=route.response_model,status_code=route.status_code,tags=current_tags,dependencies=current_dependencies,summary=route.summary,description=route.description,response_description=route.response_description,responses=combined_responses,deprecated=route.deprecatedordeprecatedorself.deprecated,methods=route.methods,operation_id=route.operation_id,response_model_include=route.response_model_include,response_model_exclude=route.response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=route.response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=route.response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=route.response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=route.response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=route.include_in_schemaandself.include_in_schemaandinclude_in_schema,response_class=use_response_class,name=route.name,route_class_override=type(route),callbacks=current_callbacks,openapi_extra=route.openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=current_generate_unique_id,)elifisinstance(route,routing.Route):methods=list(route.methodsor[])self.add_route(prefix+route.path,route.endpoint,methods=methods,include_in_schema=route.include_in_schema,name=route.name,)elifisinstance(route,APIWebSocketRoute):current_dependencies=[]ifdependencies:current_dependencies.extend(dependencies)ifroute.dependencies:current_dependencies.extend(route.dependencies)self.add_api_websocket_route(prefix+route.path,route.endpoint,dependencies=current_dependencies,name=route.name,)elifisinstance(route,routing.WebSocketRoute):self.add_websocket_route(prefix+route.path,route.endpoint,name=route.name)forhandlerinrouter.on_startup:self.add_event_handler("startup",handler)forhandlerinrouter.on_shutdown:self.add_event_handler("shutdown",handler)
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
defget(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP GET operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.get("/items/") def read_items(): return [{"name": "Empanada"}, {"name": "Arepa"}] app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["GET"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
defput(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP PUT operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: str | None = None app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.put("/items/{item_id}") def replace_item(item_id: str, item: Item): return {"message": "Item replaced", "id": item_id} app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["PUT"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
defpost(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP POST operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: str | None = None app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.post("/items/") def create_item(item: Item): return {"message": "Item created"} app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["POST"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
defdelete(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP DELETE operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.delete("/items/{item_id}") def delete_item(item_id: str): return {"message": "Item deleted"} app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["DELETE"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
defoptions(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP OPTIONS operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.options("/items/") def get_item_options(): return {"additions": ["Aji", "Guacamole"]} app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["OPTIONS"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
fromfastapiimportAPIRouter,FastAPIfrompydanticimportBaseModelclassItem(BaseModel):name:strdescription:str|None=Noneapp=FastAPI()router=APIRouter()@router.head("/items/",status_code=204)defget_items_headers(response:Response):response.headers["X-Cat-Dog"]="Alone in the world"app.include_router(router)
The URL path to be used for this path operation.
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
defhead(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP HEAD operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: str | None = None app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.head("/items/", status_code=204) def get_items_headers(response: Response): response.headers["X-Cat-Dog"] = "Alone in the world" app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["HEAD"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
fromfastapiimportAPIRouter,FastAPIfrompydanticimportBaseModelclassItem(BaseModel):name:strdescription:str|None=Noneapp=FastAPI()router=APIRouter()@router.patch("/items/")defupdate_item(item:Item):return{"message":"Item updated in place"}app.include_router(router)
The URL path to be used for this path operation.
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
defpatch(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP PATCH operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: str | None = None app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.patch("/items/") def update_item(item: Item): return {"message": "Item updated in place"} app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["PATCH"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
For example, in http://example.com/items, the path is /items.
The type to use for the response.
It could be any valid Pydantic field type. So, it doesn't have to
be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a list, dict,
It will be used for:
Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at /docs) will
show it as the response (JSON Schema).
Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the
response_model would be used to serialize that object into the
corresponding JSON.
Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data
(fields) defined in the response_model. If you returned an object
that contains an attribute password but the response_model does
not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have
that password.
Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the
response_model, converting any data as necessary to generate the
corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not
valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client,
so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an
error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and
have their default values. This is different from
response_model_exclude_defaults in that if the fields are set,
they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same
as the default.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data
should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value
as the default. This is different from response_model_exclude_unset
in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values,
they will be excluded from the response.
When True, default values are omitted from the response.
Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should
exclude fields set to None.
This is much simpler (less smart) than response_model_exclude_unset
and response_model_exclude_defaults. You probably want to use one of
those two instead of this one, as those allow returning None values
when it makes sense.
deftrace(self,path:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The URL path to be used for this *path operation*. For example, in `http://example.com/items`, the path is `/items`. """),],*,response_model:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" The type to use for the response. It could be any valid Pydantic *field* type. So, it doesn't have to be a Pydantic model, it could be other things, like a `list`, `dict`, etc. It will be used for: * Documentation: the generated OpenAPI (and the UI at `/docs`) will show it as the response (JSON Schema). * Serialization: you could return an arbitrary object and the `response_model` would be used to serialize that object into the corresponding JSON. * Filtering: the JSON sent to the client will only contain the data (fields) defined in the `response_model`. If you returned an object that contains an attribute `password` but the `response_model` does not include that field, the JSON sent to the client would not have that `password`. * Validation: whatever you return will be serialized with the `response_model`, converting any data as necessary to generate the corresponding JSON. But if the data in the object returned is not valid, that would mean a violation of the contract with the client, so it's an error from the API developer. So, FastAPI will raise an error and return a 500 error code (Internal Server Error). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/). """),]=Default(None),status_code:Annotated[Optional[int],Doc(""" The default status code to be used for the response. You could override the status code by returning a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Status Code](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-status-code/). """),]=None,tags:Annotated[Optional[List[Union[str,Enum]]],Doc(""" A list of tags to be applied to the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/#tags). """),]=None,dependencies:Annotated[Optional[Sequence[params.Depends]],Doc(""" A list of dependencies (using `Depends()`) to be applied to the *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Dependencies in path operation decorators](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-in-path-operation-decorators/). """),]=None,summary:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A summary for the *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,description:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" A description for the *path operation*. If not provided, it will be extracted automatically from the docstring of the *path operation function*. It can contain Markdown. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-operation-configuration/). """),]=None,response_description:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The description for the default response. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]="Successful Response",responses:Annotated[Optional[Dict[Union[int,str],Dict[str,Any]]],Doc(""" Additional responses that could be returned by this *path operation*. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,deprecated:Annotated[Optional[bool],Doc(""" Mark this *path operation* as deprecated. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). """),]=None,operation_id:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Custom operation ID to be used by this *path operation*. By default, it is generated automatically. If you provide a custom operation ID, you need to make sure it is unique for the whole API. You can customize the operation ID generation with the parameter `generate_unique_id_function` in the `FastAPI` class. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=None,response_model_include:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to include only certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_exclude:Annotated[Optional[IncEx],Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to exclude certain fields in the response data. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=None,response_model_by_alias:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response model should be serialized by alias when an alias is used. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_include-and-response_model_exclude). """),]=True,response_model_exclude_unset:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that were not set and have their default values. This is different from `response_model_exclude_defaults` in that if the fields are set, they will be included in the response, even if the value is the same as the default. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_defaults:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should have all the fields, including the ones that have the same value as the default. This is different from `response_model_exclude_unset` in that if the fields are set but contain the same default values, they will be excluded from the response. When `True`, default values are omitted from the response. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#use-the-response_model_exclude_unset-parameter). """),]=False,response_model_exclude_none:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Configuration passed to Pydantic to define if the response data should exclude fields set to `None`. This is much simpler (less smart) than `response_model_exclude_unset` and `response_model_exclude_defaults`. You probably want to use one of those two instead of this one, as those allow returning `None` values when it makes sense. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Response Model - Return Type](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/#response_model_exclude_none). """),]=False,include_in_schema:Annotated[bool,Doc(""" Include this *path operation* in the generated OpenAPI schema. This affects the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Query Parameters and String Validations](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/#exclude-from-openapi). """),]=True,response_class:Annotated[Type[Response],Doc(""" Response class to be used for this *path operation*. This will not be used if you return a response directly. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/custom-response/#redirectresponse). """),]=Default(JSONResponse),name:Annotated[Optional[str],Doc(""" Name for this *path operation*. Only used internally. """),]=None,callbacks:Annotated[Optional[List[BaseRoute]],Doc(""" List of *path operations* that will be used as OpenAPI callbacks. This is only for OpenAPI documentation, the callbacks won't be used directly. It will be added to the generated OpenAPI (e.g. visible at `/docs`). Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for OpenAPI Callbacks](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/openapi-callbacks/). """),]=None,openapi_extra:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,Any]],Doc(""" Extra metadata to be included in the OpenAPI schema for this *path operation*. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Path Operation Advanced Configuration](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/path-operation-advanced-configuration/#custom-openapi-path-operation-schema). """),]=None,generate_unique_id_function:Annotated[Callable[[APIRoute],str],Doc(""" Customize the function used to generate unique IDs for the *path operations* shown in the generated OpenAPI. This is particularly useful when automatically generating clients or SDKs for your API. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs about how to Generate Clients](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/#custom-generate-unique-id-function). """),]=Default(generate_unique_id),)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add a *path operation* using an HTTP TRACE operation. ## Example ```python from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: str | None = None app = FastAPI() router = APIRouter() @router.put("/items/{item_id}") def trace_item(item_id: str): return None app.include_router(router) ``` """returnself.api_route(path=path,response_model=response_model,status_code=status_code,tags=tags,dependencies=dependencies,summary=summary,description=description,response_description=response_description,responses=responses,deprecated=deprecated,methods=["TRACE"],operation_id=operation_id,response_model_include=response_model_include,response_model_exclude=response_model_exclude,response_model_by_alias=response_model_by_alias,response_model_exclude_unset=response_model_exclude_unset,response_model_exclude_defaults=response_model_exclude_defaults,response_model_exclude_none=response_model_exclude_none,include_in_schema=include_in_schema,response_class=response_class,name=name,callbacks=callbacks,openapi_extra=openapi_extra,generate_unique_id_function=generate_unique_id_function,)
@deprecated(""" on_event is deprecated, use lifespan event handlers instead. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Lifespan Events](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/events/). """)defon_event(self,event_type:Annotated[str,Doc(""" The type of event. `startup` or `shutdown`. """),],)->Callable[[DecoratedCallable],DecoratedCallable]:""" Add an event handler for the router. `on_event` is deprecated, use `lifespan` event handlers instead. Read more about it in the [FastAPI docs for Lifespan Events](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/events/#alternative-events-deprecated). """defdecorator(func:DecoratedCallable)->DecoratedCallable:self.add_event_handler(event_type,func)returnfuncreturndecorator